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Thank you for your interest in a Nebraska Renewable Energy Systems (NRES) wind energy system.

Small Wind Systems
Off-grid System
NRES looks to primarily work with systems designed to increase energy self-reliance by consuming the energy that is produced on site. This type of power production charges batteries and provides back up during outages. We provide systems ranging from 650 - 4200 W.
Because of the irregularity of wind energy, small-scale systems use a DC charging system to store power in battery banks and absorb these energy spikes for later use when the wind is not blowing. This energy can then be converted to AC as needed or used as DC.
The small, DC charging wind systems we utilize are designed to replace retail power consumption. This provides greatest value and return. These systems also provide a low cost, renewable back up for power outages. DC charging towers generally do not return this excess to the grid because of the need for inversion to AC. Excess power must also be 'dumped' when the batteries are fully charged. Excess power could be sent to a heating use. However, with proper sizing there should be a limited amount of electricity dumping.
To learn more about these systems, visit our additional downloads:
   Salient Points worksheet
   NRES turbines spread sheets

Grid Intertie System
We do provide grid intertie systems; although they are not recommended due to current net metering issues. We currently work with Triad WindGen as our wind intertie system provider.
To learn more about Triad, visit:

Large Wind Systems
NRES has developed a partnership with WECC for the provision of larger systems in the range of 50KW to 1 MW. Systems this size are grid tied systems and they are sized to enable large consumers of electricity to offset all or part of their consumption. If you are paying $0.06/kWh or more, these larger units should be considered.
Larger systems use the grid as a battery bank and provide excess power to the grid when it is not being used on-site. Larger systems are not net metered, but instead they sell electricity to the electric company through a power purchase agreement with the power company. Electric utilities are required to buy this power back through the federal PURPA law.

To learn more about WECC visit:
To learn more about the process involved in installing your own wind energy system, please click here.

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